…and the poor have Good News preached to them

— Matthew 11:5

Welcome to our family

We want to welcome you to our website. CCV Faith Community exists to preach the gospel, reach out to the poor and see people set free through faith in Jesus Christ.

“You have turned my mourning into dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with Joy”

— Psalm 30:11

What we do

We want to live out Matthew 28: 18 - 20 on earth, to share the good news with the people around us. We do this in different ways. We have congregations, we reach out and shelter those in need.

The stories

Over the years, amazing things have happened, and people have become disciples of Jesus. People who lay down everything they have for the love of Jesus and for the love of their neighbors who don't know Him yet. Listen to the story of this woman, who grew up on the cemetery.