About us

This is a story we still find ourselves smiling about in amazement, that somehow, we got to be part of it. This surprisingly beautiful story.

It was 1999 when a small group of us landed in Cebu from Hong Kong.  A uniquely mixed bunch, different in so many ways, from nationality to family background. Jesus had touched and changed our lives and that had brought us to this point somehow on this ‘mission’ together.

We shared the same heart in wanting to be Jesus’ hands and feet in places where we knew they needed Him the most, and where, as we answered his call to ‘GO!”. We would need to see Him work with daily miracles as we reached out our hands and shared what we had.

We are not sure which day it was that we first decided to worship and sing in the cemetery. Yes, you heard it right, in the cemetery, amongst the graves and tombs!

We were not the only ones there though. The place was alive with the sounds of dogs barking, chickens squawking and children playing. For as well as a public cemetery, this was an area full of wooden shacks, make-shift homes that overflowed with people, families living there among the graves, among the dead, the poorest of the poor, from generation to generation.

We would later find out about a lady, (who’s grandfather had been one of the first settlers there). She one night had dreamt about people coming there, singing songs of worship to Jesus. This was before any of us had even heard or knew of the name, Lorega.

So as we stood with a song and a prayer, God was preparing people’s hearts to know Him! He was going before us, and lovingly drawing people to Himself.

Little did we know that from that broken place in Lorega, many would end up leaving the cemetery behind and starting a new life singing His song.

25 Years later, we see a very different picture. Those Children who grew up amongst the graves, now full of life and hope, walking alongside us to bring Jesus’ good news to others.

Those Teenagers who came from broken families, some now with their own families, able to open their homes and provide safe places for children and teenagers.

Even the physical place itself has even seen great transformation, and after many years of worship and prayer the graveyard was removed and now new houses and homes stand in its place. We are amazed and thankful at what he has done and is doing!

Our team now consists of an equally mixed bunch just as when we started out. We see many different expressions of God’s Kingdom at work. From Children to Grandparents, we include everyone in our mission to bring Jesus’ good news to all around us.