Signs & wonders

Thomas was in the farm, he received news that his mother just died, so he immediately went to the town where his mother lived, but he has something in his mind & heart, a strong impression that his mother is not dead.

Getting ready, he brought his audio-bible with him (in his iPod classic). When he arrived there, all the family members were present. All the children and grandchildren were gathered around his mother’s bed wailing & crying. There & then, he saw his mother lying on the bed, a sense of her having a deep slumber. Even with all the cry & mourning of the family, he chose to turn on the gospels, as the audio-bible continued to proclaim Good News: the foot of Thomas’ mother slightly twitched, moved. And the grandchildren were yelling, “The feet moved”.

The moment all of them looked at her face, she gently smiled & slowly opened her eyes. She’s alive!

Then Thomas prayed for her & she believed Jesus as her personal Lord & Savior and she also received the power of the Holy Spirit. The mother then proceeded to ask for forgiveness from Thomas, & in turn he asked forgiveness from his mother- both releasing forgiveness. There was a reconciliation of their relationships & the forgiveness of past sins.

*where suitable, names & places have been changed to respect the privacy of certain individuals.

-A. R. Villanueva, edited


Physical healings


God’s provision